Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kwanzaa - Principle 6 - Kuumba

The sixth guiding principle on December 31st is Kuumba [KOO-OOMBA] and this principle represents "Creativity" - To do always as much as we can, in the way we can,in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. (Red Candle)

"Potential powers of creativity are within us and we have the duty to work assiduously to discover these powers." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kwanzaa - Principle 5 - Nia

The fifth day of the Kwanzaa celebration on December 30th is represented by the guiding principle of Nia [NEE-YAH], or "Purpose". The purpose is to make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. (Green Candle)

"Policies change, programs change, according to time. But objectives never changes. You might change your method of achieving the objective, but the objective never changes. Our objective is complete freedom, complete justice, complete equality, by any means necessary." Malcolm X

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kwanzaa - Principle 4- Ujamaa

December 29th is the fourth day of Kwanzaa or Ujamaa [OO-JAH-MAH] which represents "Cooperative Economics". This principle call on us to To build and maintain our own stores and other businesses and to profit from them together (Red Candle).

"I am not a millionaire, but I hope to be some day, not for the money, but because I could do so much to help my race." Madame C.J. Walker

Monday, December 28, 2009

Kwanzaa - Principle 3- Ujima

The third guiding principle during the Kwanzaa Celebration takes place on December 28th, Ujima [OO-GEE-MAH] or "Creative Work and Responsibility". To build and maintain our community together and make our sisters' and brothers' problems our problems and solve them together, represented by a green candle.This principle recognizes that we are collectively responsible for the well being of everyone within our community. It is up to us to nurture and care for one another.

"I freed thousands of slaves, I could have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves."
Harriet Ross Tubman

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Kwanzaa - Principle 2 - Kujichagulia

December 27th is represented by the second guiding principle of Kujichagulia [KOO-GEE-CHA-GOO-LEE-YAH] which stands for "Self-Determination"- To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves, rather than to be defined, named, created for, and spoken for by others.

Independence, freedom of action, unilaterally, freedom of choice, freedom of thought, emancipation, self-expression, individuality, national status, autonomy, self-government, self-sufficiency, independent means, competence, and prosperity.
This principle is represented by a red candle.

Instructions for achieving Kujichagulia During Kwanzaa and Year Round

Step 1
Plan and prioritize a list of goals that you hope to accomplish throughout your life. These can be short, medium or long term in nature. Begin the practice of Kujichagulia in relation to achieving your list of goals.

Step 2
Picture yourself achieving each listed goal in your life. Studies have shown that positive imaging in the mind actually allows goal seekers to obtain more confidence in the possibility of achieving their goals as well as physically relaxing their bodies and minds in preparation for that action.

Step 3
Learn from your mistakes by the results and outcomes of your previous decisions. The adage says that you can never learn from failure unless you have failed and you can never fail unless you have tried. Making decisions and learning from them is a part of growing and living and is also a key factor in learning self-determination.

Step 4
Grow in knowledge in a variety of areas and subject matters. You should continue to seek knowledge wherever and whenever you can. Knowledge is the root of all power and power within oneself is the root of self-determination.

Step 5
Keep your physical body healthy and active. A healthy body creates an healthy balance between emotions and intellect. To keep your mind sharp, you must consistently eat a healthy and stay physically active throughout your entire life.

"Up you mighty race, you can accomplish what you will." Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kwanzaa - Principle 1 - Umoja

December 26 - January 1 marks the celebration of Kwanzaa, a holiday founded by Dr. Maulana Karenga, a professor at California State University, Long Beach. The celebration is based on the "Nguzo Saba" or seven guiding principles, the first being Umoja [OO-MO-JAH] stands for "Unity" - To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation or race. This principle is represented by a black candle in the center of the Kinara (candle holder). To visit the official Kwanzaa website click here.

"There is a battle to be fought, there are obstacles to be overcome. There is a world struggle for human dignity to be won. Let us address ourselves seriously to the supreme tasks that lie ahead." Kwame Nkrumah

Friday, November 20, 2009

Old School Friday # 90 - I Had A Crush On!

My biggest crush when I was an adolescent was probably Jermaine Jackson. I look at him now and exclaim, What The Hell Happened??? But that is another "Old School Friday" segment. Oh yeah, I couldn't resist throwing Mike in the mix!

This meme was developed by Marvalus View and Ms. Grapevine. The rules are simple:

1. Anyone can participate; any music genre

2. Old School is defined as music created before 1999

3. No offensive words allowed, please use edited radio version

4. Post a video of your favorite Old School song to take us back down memory lane (two song maximum)

5. Add your name to the meme list so that others can check you out

6. Have fun & don't forget to leave comments for other participants

If you want to join in on the fun,
click here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Songs That Inspire

The songs of the 60's were really inspirational to me so I choose two songs that I love from that era. Curtis Mayfield's "We're A Winner" and James Brown's "Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud".

This meme was developed by Marvalus View and Ms. Grapevine. The rules are simple:

1. Anyone can participate; any music genre

2. Old School is defined as music created before 1999

3. No offensive words allowed, please use edited radio version

4. Post a video of your favorite Old School song to take us back down memory lane (two song maximum)

5. Add your name to the meme list so that others can check you out

6. Have fun & don't forget to leave comments for other participants

If you want to join in on the fun,
click here.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sharona Returns to Monk

I never thought I would see it, but Sharona, Monk's assistant for the first three season is returning for an encore next week in this eighth and final season. Bitty Schram was more of a nurse (or should I say nursemaid) to the obsessive compulsive detective, but she was an intricate part in some of the crime solving as well. This will mark her first appearance on the comedy-mystery since she mysteriously disappeared from the show halfway through the third season. Arguably the most successful show in cable history this should also make for an interesting close to the series. My only hope is that Monk solves his wife Trudy's murder before the show's final curtain call.

I really have missed Sharona, despite the excellent job that Traylor Howard does in her portrayal of Natalie Teeger, Monk's latest assistant. It is actually going to be interesting to see this two women play off of each other next week while Monk investigates Sharona's uncle's murder. I think the return of Ms. Scham will bring the show full circle and provide to a wonderful series, which experienced a great run. Monk is one of my most favorite television shows and I have never missed an episode so you know I will be front and center for this episode. Every since I found out Sharona was coming back I have been humming The Knacks "My Sharona".

The episode will air Friday, October 23rd at 9:00 EST.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I recently read and article boasting that Facebook ruins friendships because “it limits communication to typing and encourages people to share far too much information with their poor, unsuspecting friends”. I do not agree with this stance, in fact I think it is quite the opposite. I think the social network actually builds relationships to a certain extent.

Facebook currently has a membership of 300 million, which is a higher population than all but 9 countries. Impressive huh? And I feel it is just gaining momentum, I envision bigger and better things to come on Facebook. I just recently started seriously Facebooking in the last couple of months. I joined the social network last year just to see if I could by pass the powers that be at my workplace (the I. T. department had blocked all access to My Space and I wanted to see if all services in this vein were obstructed). I was able to get on Facebook with no problem, so I joined and then quickly forgot about it.

I do not remember what led me back to the site, I think I got a email asking that I verify a friend and it off and running from that point on. I was often surprised by invites from people in my past that I had not seen in years. One day I checked my email to find a note from my best friend in junior high asking if I was who she thought I was and if I remembered her. Quite fascinating, actually because I had not seen or heard from her in well over 30 years.

Another aspect that I really enjoy about Facebook is that young and old are coming together as friends. I am a middle aged woman and my youngest friend is 17, I mean how cool is that? I have connected with relatives and old school chums that I would not have if not for meeting up with them on the Internet.

I use Facebook to contact friends who may have long ago lost contact with and I wish this service had been around ten years ago. This application is excellent for looking at pictures of babies in your family that you have yet to meet. Facebook is excellent for finding out what high school and college classmates are up to. For instance, my son was able to find two friends from elementary school that he had not seen since his graduation nearly 20 years ago.

I must admit that there have been times when I spent more time on Facebook than I should have, but I'm not going to blame Facebook for my own procrastination/laziness. If Facebook wasn't there I would have found something else to waste time on (My Space, Twitter, Black Planet, etc). If I want to be distracted, I will find a distraction, trust me!

To all my "friends", If you don't feel like posting something, cruising profiles, or changing your status, don't do it. If you tire of my updates, hide them. If you don't want to partake in the latest quiz, leave it alone. If you fear big brother is keeping tabs on you, don't post your life story to your profile. If you are in a relationship, please don't be caught poking people all day :-D. It's a fun and innovative tool at your fingertips that can be used for both good or evil. If you don't feel like Facebooking, leave it alone. Well I got to run, I just thought of a friend I need to look up….
While I do that please enjoy some Facebook humor.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Old School Friday - Criminal Record

Okay! Who doesn't have a criminal record these days? I think I will bring together the East Coast and the West Coast by going with my boys Tupac Shakur and the Notorious BIG (Biggy Smalls) or "Big Poppa" :-) I have not participated on this meme in a while and I have missed it.

This meme was developed by Marvalus View and Ms. Grapevine. The rules are simple:

1. Anyone can participate; any music genre
2. Old School is defined as music created before 1999
3. No offensive words allowed, please use edited radio version
4. Post a video of your favorite Old School song to take us back down memory lane
5. Add your name to the meme list so that others can check you out
6. Have fun & don't forget to leave comments for other participants

If you want to join in on the fun, click here.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Trip to Michigan

Hi Everybody, I just flew in from Michigan and boy are my arms tired :-) Seriously, I was back home in Michigan for ten days for my thirty-five year reunion. The festivities lasted all weekend, which was draining, but so much fun! I saw people that I had not seen in over thirty-five years. I also got to spend time with some family members (some who are shown above), including some that I had never met before this visit. My son (who resides in Long Beach, California) and my best friend (who resides in Las Vegas, Nevada) met me in Michigan to attend the event.

I was able to visit the Motown Museum for a third time. My son had never visited so myself, my Uncle Malcolm , Aunt Melody and my son headed over to 2648 W. Grand Blvd. for the tour. I always enjoy watching new people be introduced to the history of Motown. There were people in our tour from Tanzania. After leaving the museum we headed over to Detroit Metro Airport to drop my son off for his return to California...Bye Brian!

On Thursday we had a movie day over Malcolm's where we watched some classic movies, "Take A Giant Step", "Dirty Dancing", etc. and ate fresh popped popcorn. Finally last Friday I got a chance to go on Malcolm's radio show "Retro Mix" as a co-host. I had a ball talking about some of my favorite artist and learning a lot about how broadcasting works which was really an exciting experience.

On Saturday some family members and friends came over and we played spades. I was paired with my friend Alma, whom I have know since grade school. After a couple of stumbles we ran everyone we played away from the table. Needless to say I had a ball, I never get to do these kind of things when I am at home. Alas all good things must come to an end and I was happy to be going back home when I left on Monday.

Thomas Wolfe said that you can't go home again. I beg to differ, you can go home, but you just really should not try to stay indefinitely.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 16


Ricardo Lori (Detective)
Lauren Ash-Morgan (Dee von Zelle)
John B. (Detective Bob Toricello)
Jeannie-Girl (Lynn)
K9 (Felicity & Homeless Woman)
Foam (Diane)
Holy Cannoli (Jenny)
Rayke (Franklin & Sgt. MacBrian)
SJ (Criminologist/Futon Cop)
Boneman (Judge Ewing, the Mounted Cop & Smythe’s Answering Machine)
Crushed by Ingsoc (Lt. Fisher and the Angry Driver)
Pjazzypar (the Captain, the Caterer, the Hostess, Felicity’s old Professor, & FBI Agent) Malcolm (Essex County Deputy)
Pamela Ringgold (Machine Dialer & Rude Cop)
Yinyang (FBI Demolitions Expert & Lynn’s Old Friend)
Foam Jr. (the Music Student)
Mr. Foam (Homeless Man 2)
X. Dell (Mr. Johnson & Homeless Man 1).

Special guest stars: Ravi Khanna as Indra, Paul Weaver as Mountie Smythe, and Amy Helmsley as Col. Smith.

Written and produced by X-Dell.

Directed by Committee.

Dedications and Special Thanks to Monique Caddy, David Caddy, and the rest of our friends at Middle Ditch.

Music by Da Palm & Nurykabe

Additional sound effects by c97059890 of the Free Sound Project (

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 15


Ricardo (The Detective)
Amy Insley (Col. Michelle Smith/Sacred Mother)
JohnB (Detective Bob Toricello)
Foam (Diane)
Boneman (Judge Ewing)
Yinyang (FBI Agent/Demolitions Expert/”All Clear”)
X. Dell (Mr. Johnson)
Holy Cannoli (Jenny)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by Melophon & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by, and by batchku, addbicycle, Koops, Jhalkompwdr, lgarret, ngtv27, Freqman, freesound, scarbelly 25, Runey, acclivity, sagetyrtle, and Shades of the Free Sound Project (

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 14


Ricardo (The Detective)
Lauren Ash-Morgan (Dee von Zelle)
JeannieGrrrl (Lynn/Wendy)
K9 (Felicity/Eileen)
Pamela Ringgold (Rude Cop)
SJ (Criminologist/Futon Cop)
Malcolm (Deputy Sheriff)
Pjazzypar (FBI Special Agent)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by Da Palm

Additional sound effects by, and by Han 1, NGTV 27, Herbert Boland, Freq Man, Anton, Splutta and LG of the Free Sound Project (

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 13


Ricardo (The Detective)
Lauren Ash-Morgan (Dee von Zelle)
Rayke (Franklin)
JeannieGrrrl (Lynn)
K9 (Felicity)
Crushed by Ingsoc (Irate Driver)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by Fireproof Babies, mInImAl ArT, Johnny SockHead & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by, and by hopflog, Runey, ReWired, lilliangorini, jackstrebor, dobroide, audible_edge, Franaudio, smidoid, Leady, Corsica S., and Freqman of the Free Sound Project (

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 12


Ricardo (The Detective)
Rayke (Sgt. MacBrian)
Foam (Diane)
JohnB (Detective Bob Toricello)
Paul Weaver (Mountie Smythe)
Foam Jr. (Music Student)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by Pitx & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by spluta, Malonso, and Corsica S. of the Free Sound Project (

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 11


Ricardo (The Detective)
Rayke (Sgt. MacBrian)
Foam (Diane)
JeannieGrrrl (Lynn)
Lauren Ash-Morgan (Dee von Zelle)
Pjazzypar (The Captain)
Crushed by Ingsoc (Lt. Pete Fisher)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by the jpfmnand & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by and by Guitarz1970, Brotherprovisional, samplecat, stijn, Erdie, AniCator, and Koops of the Free Sound Project (

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 10


Ricardo (The Detective)
Lauren Ash-Morgan (Dee von Zelle)
Pjazzypar (Hostess)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by jpfmband, Oprachina, & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by dobroide, Malonso, Handfan, morgant, .and addbicycle of the Free Sound Project (

Because of legal agreements, we must always include this code with any post of graphics and recordings related to the Golden Ganesh.

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 9



Ricardo (The Detective)
Lauren Ash-Morgan (Dee von Zelle)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by Da Palm

Golden Ganesh Creative Commons License (Embedding Code)

Because of legal agreements, we must always include this code with any post of graphics and recordings related to the Golden Ganesh.

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 8


Ricardo (The Detective)
SJ (Young Criminologist/Futon Cop)
Foam (Diane)
JohnB (Detective Bob Toricello)
Pinetop Swamp (Annnouncer)

Music by Pitx & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by Edwin P. Manchester, Freqman, Robinhood 76, Malonso, sagetyrtle, Oberon81, and spluta of the Free Sound Project (

Golden Ganesh Creative Commons License (Embedding Code)

Because of legal agreements, we must always include this code with any post of graphics and recordings related to the Golden Ganesh.

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 7



Ricardo (The Detective)

K9 (Felicity)

JeannieGrrrl (Lynn)

Boneman (Mounted Cop)

Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by Nurykabe & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by gyzhor, Freqman, Herbert Boland, ReWired, and themfish of the Free Sound Project (

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 6


Ricardo (The Detective)
Holy Cannoli (Jenny)
Ravi Khanna (Indra)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by Frank Stanton, hammerklavier, Steve Jones, X. Dell & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by SunnySideSound, Scarbelly 25, dobroide, addbicycle, batchku, stijn, and Jhalkompwdr of the Free Sound Project (

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 5



Ricardo (The Detective)
Yinyang (Lynn’s Old Friend)
Pjazzypar (Felicity’s Old Professor)
JohnB (Detective Bob Toricello)
Pamela Ringgold (Robot Dialer)
Boneman (Smythe’s Answering Machine)
Holy Cannoli (Jenny)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by East of West & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by nicStage and Koops of the Free Sound Project (

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 4



Ricardo (The Detective)
Holy Cannoli (Jenny)
JohnB (Detective Bob Toricello)
Foam (Diane)
SJ (Young Criminologist/Futon Cop)
JeannieGrrrl (Lynn)
Crushed by Ingsoc (Lt. Pete Fisher)
Rayke (Franklin)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by Geoff Duncan & Da Palm

Additional sound effects by nicStage, Erdie, Jonathan Jansen, Freq Man, pauliep83, Corsica S., LG, Herbert Boland, and nofeedback of the Free Sound Project (

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

The Golden Ganesh: Episode 3



Ricardo (The Detective)
Pjazzypar (Caterer)
Ravi Khanna (Indra)
K9 (Felicity & Homeless Woman)
JeannieGrrrl (Lynn)
X, Dell (Homeless Man 1)
Mr. Foam (Homeless Man 2)
Pinetop Swamp (Announcer)

Music by CDK, Melophon & Da Palm

Additional sound effects provided by, and Corsica S, addbicycle, amione, samplecat, andriala, and freesound of the Free Sound Project (

Creative Commons License
The Golden Ganesh by X. Dell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.