I was visiting the blog of this nut case, oops, McCain supporter and found this beautiful piece of propaganda. I am not going to even say anything about this clip, other than it is the most bizarre misinformation I have probably ever heard in my life. Is it me or has this gentleman lost his mind? You be the judge. Leave your comments, I am interested in your opinions.
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1 week ago
Ah, Rev. Manning. Yeah, he's not even much of a fixture here in New York, but he actually has a congregation up in Harlem. He even has a Doctor of Divinity Degree which he received from the Atlah seminary, which he founded himself (when you think about it, that's a pretty efficient way of doing it).
Bluntly, he's an ex-con, and a lot of people whisper around here that he was a police informer for many years. He's talked about a lot of things I agree with (e.g., we're both against the gentrification of Harlem, although I do think landlords should be more strongly compelled to upkeep their properties). But he seems to be swomething of a demagogue in the making. He's been ranting about Obama since Iowa, using information that is simply incorrect. Either he's a bitterly jealous (and dilusional) man, or someone's got him by the short and curly's. Hard for me to tell from downtown.
Well put X. I actually never heard of the guy until recently, delusional is accurate. You are also right about the haters. I guess it is like Katt Williams (from your old stompin grounds of Cincinnati) says "If people ain't hating on you then you are doing something wrong". Damn, what a concept, founding your own university so you can expedite your Ph.D. I never thought of it, but it is an extremely clever idea and it saves you a hell of a lot of work. Thanks for shedding some light on this topic and bringing information to the table that I might not have been able to find.
Lol, there is an actual movement out there of people who think Barack is the Anti-Christ.
Once you listen to people like the good old Rev here you tend to see them for the con artist that they are.
This cat is something else alright. I wonder if he really believes what he's saying. If he doesn't, that makes him even worse.
Luckily, this wannabe prophet's wish will not come true. Although people might be willing to give up CNN and some of these other networks, but Oprah's fans will never boycott her show. They are like, "Shit you must be crazy!"
I've never even heard of this guy until now. He's quite frightening, actually. He almost sounds like one of those mass emails that go around about Obama. He's not a citizen of the US, he's a Muslim, etc.
But ban all news channels and Oprah? Bwahahaha!
My opinion-this is a video manifest of a looney :( But it was good for a chuckle!
Huh? Who the hell is this guy anyway? Luckily, he seems to be just another nutcracker that won't make a bit of difference in the big picture. BTW: I just gave myself a Doctor of Divinity degree - afterall, I deserve it. It's from the school of Holly the Great. LOL
Clnmike, When I first saw this video I had this puzzled dog look on my face, WTF? After further investigation I see this fool is dangerous and scary as hell. I am going to post one of this idiots sermons, you will not believe his tangents.
Malcolm, You are right about Oprah fans, no way they will be turning her off. I often say that Oprah could run for President and win the way her fan worship her. What I like about Obama is that he does not even acknowledge negative junk like this.
R.C., I had never heard of him until recently and after further investigation I have found this guy to be a raging egomaniac and a HATER! Stay tuned.
Mama Pajama, This guy is a damn fool, that's who he is. I agree that he will not be a factor in the grand scheme of things, however we need to be aware that people like this exist. Go on Dr. Holly with your degree in divinity :-)
The man is obviously off his head. If there some rule that prevent political candidates from suing for libel?
Hi Nicholas, There is no law to stop politicians from suing, but they usually prefer to ignore the naysayers, rather than acknowledge them. This man is laughable.
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