The remains of Latasha Norman were discovered more than two weeks after her disappearance. A former boyfriend, Stanley Dwayne Cole, has been charged with the murder and is being detained without bond. She was found in a wooded area in North Jackson and her body showed signs of trauma. In the weeks before her disappearance Ms. Norman had been the target of several attacks, in which her tires were slashed on one occasion. Cole was charged with simple assault for another incident involving the deceased.
Jackson State University planned a moment of silence and bell ringing ceremony Friday. The was to include 16 tolls, one chime for each day Norman was missing before she was discovered. I cannot help thinking that if this kidnapping had received more media attention and if the FBI had gotten involved when she was first reported missing, she would have been found much sooner. It was only after FBI involvement that Cole led law enforcement to the body.
The thing that gets me is the fact that when this happens to african-american females, there's hardly ever any media coverage outside of the victim's state. And this is totally a racial issue. How come Stacy Peterson is ALL OVER the news, but Latasha's story goes untold? I would really love to hear feedback on this issue because it just sucks. We at least owe Latasha the courtesy of honoring her name in death, not just as a form of media sensationalism, but just because the innocent deserve that much. God bless you, Latasha. May your soul rest in peace.
Hi V.,
I definitely share your sentiments regarding this issue. Pigmentation makes all the difference in the world when you are victimized. Everybody knows about Stacey Peterson and that increases the odds of her kidnapper being found and the responsible party being apprehended. Latasha knew who perpetrator and if law enforcement had did minimal investigating they would have arrested her former boyfriend much earlier than they did. Thank you for your comments. Stories like this really shake me up.
Just saw this on TV1. So sad. There is no excuse for domestic violence....
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