It seems that everyone is jumping on the reality show band wagon from Hulk Hogan to Salt & Pepa. BET currently broadcasts “Run’s House” and VH1 allowed rapper Flavor Flav to star in two reality shows “Strange Love” and “Flavor of Love”. So Snoop’s show will not be the first time a rapper has invited the cameras into his personal space. So I am thinking, what is going to be different about Snoop’s show, whose tagline boast “This ain’t the Huxtables”. Well duh!
I was all set to hate on Snoop because as we know he is no stranger to publicity, in fact he is a virtual media whore who will stop at nothing to keep his name in the press (remember “Girls Gone Wild”). I decided to tune in not expecting too much, but I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. He has a wife (which he lovingly calls “Boss Lady”) and three adorable children, age 13, 10, and 8. Snoop's devotion to his family shine through.
In the one episode the housekeeper quits, forcing Snoop and the kids to pitch in and help with the housework. In another episode, Boss Lady, concerned about Snoop’s health, urges the people in their employ not to supply Snoop with junk food. Snoop pays someone money to sneak him in some Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles, but of course Boss Lady catches the smuggler and substitutes the chicken with a salad.
There are touching, but funny moments. One scene finds Snoop at the park spending time teaching his children to play soccer. When things don't go as planned he calls in soccer great David Beckham to give the kids some pointers. He promises Beckham that he will treat him to some (you guessed it) Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles for his trouble. After Snoop orders practically a whole chicken, guess who shows up at the restaurant with two plates of salad (you guessed again) Boss Lady. No matter how hard Snoop tries to outsmart her she is always one step ahead of him. While it is certainly not the best show on television, it held my interest. I found it to be funnier than “House of Payne” for shizzel. The show airs on E! At 10:30 EST/9:30 CST.
I may have to check this out sometime. For this show to be funnier than "House of Payne", it doesn't have to aim all that high.
I am not saying it's a great show by no means, but I actually liked the premise. The show humanizes Snoop in a way I didn't think possible. As for the "House Of Pain" (pun intended) it never gets any better does it? Pam in Detroit is angry at me because after purchasing the first 20 episodes of "Pain" I inquired WHY? And further added that the show was nothing but Limburger. She's not returning my call (some people are so touchy) LOL!
ha, i luv this show. did you guys see any of last season show? he's coming back for a 2nd season. I believe it premieres Thanksgiving. gunna be hot!
here's a look:
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