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4 days ago
My slow connection made this sorta difficult, but I hung in there and it was more than worth it (smile). Beautiful. You can feel Monk's intensity. Have to say though, I also love Miles and Dexter Gordon's take on this song.
Actually, this song is one I listened to when I first got serious about writing umpteen some years ago (smile). It sort of has a special meaning for me. Thanks for taking me back for a moment.
Hi Lori,
I like Dexter Gordon's version as well, but I had this one in my MP3 collection and I was trying out the new feature (audio player) to add music to the blog. I will be adding a song from time to time. If you have any request give me a shout out. I have well over 1,000 audio files (even "Santa Claus Go Straight to the Ghetto" LOL).
Do you have any "Blue and Green?" That's my all-time favorite jazz tune. At one point I had a cassette tape with 3-4 different versions of the song on it . . . one by Miles, one by Cassandra Wilson (from her "Traveling Miles" cd) and one, possibly two versions by Al Jarreau. I'm willing to bet you don't have any version in your mp3 collection (LOL).
Hey Lori,
Actually I do have "Blue in Green" by Bill Evans. I attempted to email it to you but it bounced back for some reason. I try again later.
Oh, one more thing. Thanks for the correction. The song is "Blue IN Green." I'm slipping in my old age (smile). Don't worry about sending the Evans version. I am surprised you had it though.
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