Thinking Blogger's Award - I've Been Tagged
I was tagged by Malcolm of Pop Culture Dish fame as one of the blogs that makes him think I humbly accept the tag and now must pass it on to five blogs that I tune into on a regular basis. Of course Pop Culture dish is one of my favorites, but since you've already been tagged I won't re-tag you Malcolm (smile).Participation rules:
1) If you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 that make you think. 2) Link back to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme. 3) Optional: Proudly display the "Thinking Blogger Award"With that said, I am tagging five blogs that I find both motivational and insightful:Lori's Old School MixThe X SpotWhy Black Women Are AngryThe Abundance PlaceBuck Naked Politics
Hey PJ,
I'm honored! Not sure when I will find the time to participate. Got a lot on my plate at the moment (smile). But do know, you are in my top 5!
Take your time because I know you are TOO busy at this point.
Quite an honor. Thank you. I would tag Malcolm, but he's got a lot of awards already.
We'll definitely respond to this. But be forewarned: my response to tags is, well, unpredictable.
x. dell, I don't usually do tags either, but this one only took me five minutes to prepare.
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