As I have mentioned before I am a huge fan of American Idol and over the years there have been a few skeletons in the closet of more than one contestant. Besides the alleged voting irregularities (Tamyra Gray – Nikki McKibbon, Ruben Studdard – Clay Aikens, Latoya London – Jasmine Trias) there has been plenty of behind the scene scandalous and criminal behavior. This year is no exception.
1. Season 7 - David Hernandez is the newest in a long string of 'Idol' contestants who have had some R-rated past details surface during their 15 minutes. The current contestant reportedly worked as a male stripper in a "mostly men" club.
2. Season 6 - Antonella Barba stole all of the headlines early on as a batch of racy photos of her spread their way across the Internet. She was eliminated a few weeks after the scandal emerged.
3. Season 4 - Mario Vazquez was accused of sexually harassing an 'Idol' employee while he was a contestant on the show. He later dropped out of the show for "family reasons."
4. Season 2 - Frenchie Davis was booted from season two after admitting to having once worked for an adult Web site. An online petition campaign to bring her back failed.
5. Season 2 - Two years after being kicked off of 'Idol' because of a prior criminal record, Corey Clark claims he had a relationship with 'Idol' judge Paula Abdul.
6. Season 2 - Through his entire career, 'Idol' runner-up Clay Aiken has battled rumors and claims about his sexuality, including an Internet scandal involving what seemed to be a shirtless Aiken.
7. Season 7 - Carly Smithson progressed on "American Idol" Thursday, Feb. 21, 2008 amid controversy over her professional past. The Irish singer who once had a major-label deal, and solo album that flopped.
8. Season 4 - Two weeks after receiving a year's probation for drug possession and battery charges (and shortly before returning to rehab in California), 10th place finalist Jessica Sierra found herself back in a Tampa Bay jail for disorderly intoxication and resisting arrest.
9. Season 6 - Perhaps no other 'Idol' contestant caused more controversy than Sanjaya Malakar, who had Simon threatening to leave the show, received support from Howard Stern in hopes of destroying 'Idol's' reputation and caused a non-fan to go on a 12-day hunger strike in protest.
10. Season 5 - Court TV uncovers that Bucky Covington once tried to switch places with his twin brother to help him avoid criminal prosecution.
11. Season 5 – The identical Brittenum twins wow the judges, though no one knew the boys had outstanding criminal warrants. Both were charged in Georgia with forgery, theft by deception and identity fraud for allegedly using another man's identity to buy a car.
12. Season 4 - It's revealed that finalist Bo Bice was busted in 2001 for cocaine and marijuana possession.
13. Season 4 - Smokinggun.com reveals Scott Savol had a domestic dispute with his live-in girlfriend -- on Valentine's Day 2001, no less.
Do you think that a contestant’s past deeds should keep them from participating in this singing competition?
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I don't watch television so I'm at a loss. I did watch 2003 American Idol and loved Rueben and Clay. That's the last I remember. Have a great TT. :)
I never understood how Frenchie and Antonella were treated so differently! The fact that this bothers me probably means I should get a life, I know, but it bothers me. (Thanks for visiting my TT)
what a mess i never want to be famous and up for inspection but I also have nothing to hide
I've never seen this show becuse I don't enjoy people singing songs, but I don't see how a person's life outside the studio wold make any difference to their ability, or lack of it, to sing pop songs. It might be interesting but it is scarcely relevant.
I don't watch the show, but when I did, it was very exciting to see those who could really sing - win!
Happy TT :)
I don't know these guys. I have a hard time watching the program because the dressings down from Simon make me nuts. I love that so many people try hard to do well, though. And my daughter enjoys it. Thanks for the briefing.
I'm not a big Idol fan, but I do know about most of these scandals. I think I stopped watching after Fantasia won.
Anyway, you mean to tell me there's another somebody out there who looks like Bucky? (LOL) And for a minute, those Brittenum twins made me ashamed to claim Memphis as home. Yeah, those two nuts were from the Bluff City.
Gosh, thanks for the catchup. I hear people talk about this stuff, but I have no idea who these people are or what is going on. Amazing at the drama. Do you think it's created for ratings?
Happy TT!
My TT is about Art Candy.
Reality television would not be the same without all the scandals, wouldn't it?
I have never cared for this show, but I will say it does not surprise me the producers would exploit anything about the contestants for ratings.
I must confess, I only watch it when there is nothing else on:) Happy TT.
I don't watch American Idol but enjoyed your post very much. And no, I don't think actions of the past should affect whether a contestant can participate unless it was illegal. It's ridiculous the frenzy the media gets into.
If they aren't in jail for it, I don't have a problem. I have more of a problem with the woman who has had a professional career.
I don't watch the show so I don't know who most of those people are, but dang...they've been naughty!
I think the "offense" would have to be pretty grevious for it to matter for me. Like Michael Jackson-level creepines.
I remember hearing about all of those.
With the exception of the Irish singer who previously had a record contract, I don't think that one's past misdeeds should keep them from competing.
Isn't this the equivalent of the UK's The X Factor?
Well, they can't have 'ordinary' people on TV can they? Whatever 'ordinary' is :-)
I love AI too! I have to admit, knowing David Hernandez's past as a stripper did make me look at him a little differently Tuesday night (interpret that as you will). He was never a favorite of mine but does deserve top 12. Who knows,sometimes being all over the news, scandal or not, gets you noticed and gets you votes!
Carly is one of my favorites. It doesn't bother me that she had a record contract in the past because that doesn't violate the rules and she hasn't tried to hide that fact. So go Carly!
David Cook and David Archueletta are my favs though. :-)
Tonight should be interesting.
I don't think their personal lives should make a difference one way or the other.
I guess I am one of the few who do watch the show. I am never to interested in knowing about their personal lives, however since the name of the show is American "IDOL" I think there should be better background checks before the final 24 show up on stage. Aren't we asking our young people to "IDOLIZE" these performers?
I don't watch reality TV. I hear the scandal stuff on news shows and here and there but I don't watch.
ooo...delightfully juicy bits of scandal! Loved it!
I had no idea American Idol had all that going on. Happy TT!
I've heard about all these throughout the years, but it makes quite an impact when they are all right there together! I saw Jessica Sierra on that "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" show. You put some time into this one...nice list! I'm a first time TT participant!
I've never seen American Idol - they don't show it here in Laos!
Nice Blog!
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